How to acquire a Zalem Signature Didge en français cliquer ici: 
I mainly make the Zalem Signature didgeridoos as custom orders. (they are rarely available for immediate purchase).
To obtain your future ZS, I invite you to contact me by email (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.) or on Facebook or Instagram. We will then discuss all the details of your order.
While waiting for our future discussions on this subject, you will find below most of the information you need to start imagining your future instrument.
Available wood species for the ZS :
A Zalem Signature didg can be made in different types of wood species (from the densest to the lightest):
Maple (or curly maple), cherry, walnut (or curly walnut), plane tree, ash, pear or black locust.
The different possible keys :
The first signature didgeridoo that I worked on, in collaboration with Zalem, was a C. Over the passed months we also developed a version in C# and recently a version in B.
Here is a comparison video, made by Zalem, where he tests the three different notes, playing with instruments in curly maple (the B), pearwood (the C) and curly walnut (the C#):
By consulting the page dedicated to Zalem Signature didgeridoos already manufactured, you will discover numerous photos and videos allowing you to form an opinion on the sound and characteristics of the different combinations of keys and woods. Here are some examples :
The shape of a ZS and its bell.
Basically the ZS are straight bumpy didgeridoos, withl a rather circular bell with a slight shape. It is however possible to modify these parameters and I can thus make your ZS without a bump or with a more extravagant bell for example.
The mouthpiece.
For the mouthpiece, you can choose from a combination of different woods:
- In contact with the mouth I often recommend dense or very fine grained woods :
boxwood, olive tree, pear tree, maple, cherry, or even plane tree.
- Then you can add one or two other wooden rings like :
red heart, ash, elm, black locust, sipo, zebrano, ebony, burls or other precious woods.
Once again by taking a look at the page dedicated to already manufactured Zalem Signature didgeridoos you will be able to see many examples of mouthpiece configurations.
Crafting time and delivery.
Currently my waiting time is around 6 months for the receipt of custom-made didgeridoos, once the order has been validated.
Shipping costs, to add to the price of the didgeridoo, are between €45 and €90 for Europe, €120 for the United States and perhaps more for other parts of the world. I work with UPS 95% of the time.
ZS prices, orders validation and payment.
The table below shows the price of a Zalem Signature didgeridoo depending on the grade and wood chosen. Prices are displayed in Euro (€).
To validate an order I request a deposit of half the price of the didg (for example €545 in the case where the price is €1090). The remaining cost, i.e. the other half of the price of the didg plus shipping costs, will then have to be paid when the instrument is almost finished and soon ready to be shipped.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or Paypal. Payment in 3 or 4 installments can also be considered, after discussing it.
After having decided everything together and once the deposit has been paid and the order has been validated, the manufacturing process can then begin.